Wednesday, July 18, 2012

20 tahun (part 3)

Kelompok Kecil 1
Kelompok Kecil 2

Kelompok Kecil Lanjutan


Thanks kakak, sod, adek, copa, copi

20 tahun (part 2)

Teman seperjuangan Mamasa-Toraja-Bandung ({})

Pange's Prayer
Pies's Prayer

20 tahun (part 1)

surprise from Nissa, Kitin, Tanti and Pak Daldiri *Pak Pembimbing KP*

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Sunday, July 08, 2012

On Time

a words who always be a simple problem for most people..
but now,,
i will share about late that i get it from "khotbah" pak Kaleb in the church today.. :D
he is say: 
"Late is a sin.. it's a act who can't be tolerance"

he also give some parable:
1. if we travel by train,,
train might not be waiting for us if we are late,,
train will run on time
2. in the class,,
teacher might not be waiting for student if they are late,,
teacher will teach on time

it also applies when we go to church,,
God might not be waiting for us,,
we are need God, so don't ever make God waiting for us..
we must on time..

yes, a simple "khotbah"..
but, it make me learn to be on time in the future..
hope it can be a new commitment for me and maybe for you too..
Amin.. :)

Happy sunday..
God bless you abundantly.. ^.^

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

ftv pendek

*mohon maaf apabila terjadi kesamaan nama, tempat, dan kejadian,,
itu hanya kebetulan belaka..*

pemain sandiwara
cewe 1: sebut saja maudy
cowo: sebut saja choky
cewe 2: sebut saja lala
di cerita ini maudy & choky pacaran..
dan lala adalah mantan choky..